SERCAP Hosts 2nd Annual #GivingTuesday Virtual Q&A Session, Educating General Public About Affordable Housing Challenges in Rural Communities!

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Friday, 03 December 2021 SERCAP News

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On Tuesday, November 30, 2021, SERCAP hosted its second virtual Q&A Session as part of its Annual #GivingTuesday Awareness and Fundraising Campaign. This year’s virtual Q&A session focused on providing the participants and the general public with information on affordable housing challenges, especially in rural communities, and how SERCAP tackles these challenges for low-to-moderate income (LMI) renters, home-buyers, and homeowners through its housing counseling and housing rehabilitation services. Participants attended the live Zoom session, asking questions about the biggest affordable housing needs for rural communities in 2021, SERCAP’s housing programs and services, and more. Additionally, the Q&A session was live-streamed to Facebook, receiving approximately 70 views via that platform. In fact, the session was so successful, and the feedback so positive, that SERCAP is intending to host additional Q&A sessions on its other programs and services in the near future, in order to reach more potential clients (LMI individuals and rural communities), partners, funders, and supporters.

In the long-term, the positive impact of SERCAP delivering this type of virtual Q&A to educate the general public about the current state of affordable housing challenges and rural communities in the southeast US, will be the general publics’ increased knowledge about current housing and community needs, tools, and available resources. By delivering information to the general public about available tools and resources for housing and other community projects, SERCAP is opening the door to reach more individuals and communities through its own training, technical, and financial assistance.

Without SERCAP’s full slate of Programs and Services, many rural communities and low-to-moderate income (LMI) individuals would be forced to go without such necessities as reliable access to clean drinking water, indoor plumbing, safe and affordable housing, community development and infrastructure needs, water/wastewater infrastructure solutions, and more. It is important to remember that even in the US in the 21st Century; there are those who do not have reliable access to clean, safe drinking water, environmentally sound septic facilities, and affordable housing. In order to help SERCAP continue to provide assistance to both the individuals and communities in need, please consider making a donation to SERCAP’s Water Life! Fund!

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*Funding for SERCAP’s Programs and Services are primarily made possible by grants from USDA Rural Development, EPA, HHS: OCS, VA DSS: CSBG, the Virginia Department of Housing & Community Development (DHCD), Virginia Housing, and many others. Additionally, SERCAP’s services in Virginia are leveraged by a Budget Appropriation, granted by the Virginia General Assembly, which is administered by DHCD.